miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

                            ITs in Education

the eduction and the technology is a good combination : I can explain you this theme with a powtoon that i do my self. And also some aspects that i think that can complete ideas with the videoclip.

  Benefits and Main change:
v  The education and the technology are grate combinations
v  The technology improve education in a good way
v  The technology helps all the people like educators(teachers), students, and parents.
v  Teachers can collaborate to share information or ideas for example blogs, pages, etc.
v  Students can research information in a faster way.
v  Online education is now a good way to study and learn.
Improvements and Benefits:
v  The filliped Classroom: Is a practice in which students instead of reading books of so many pages they can watch videos as homework and interact with the teacher in class time
v  .EDTech of mathematics Is a program that helps people-learning math  using different materials and getting a score with the progress for an auto evaluation .
v  The educational technology helps students to feel more motivated because they learn using different ways of learning.
v  Technology changes the way of children think: Kids who are a terrible impact in their brain, because change the brain works.
v  Technology can put privacy and safety in risk: you need to be clearly with the comments and the information that you give when you o in some pages that you need to put in education.
v  When students are working using computers in the class room, teacher need to cheek what they are doing because they can go to different sites not allowed to be used.
v  The technology is an important educational tool if can’t replace the teacher.

martes, 24 de enero de 2017


  • Information is a phenomenon that provides meaning or meaning to things.

  • In a general sense, information is an organized set of processed data, which constitute a message about a particular entity or phenomenon.

  •  The data are perceived, integrated and generate the necessary information to produce the knowledge that is the one that finally allows to make decisions to carry out the daily actions that assure the existence.

ICTs and communication

The IT or information technology is necessary to get store, process , distribute by electronic methods as radio , Tv , tablet , phone etc.but exist other type of  technology like the ITC(comunication technology) that is the ability to create the best        |access to information  and communication in .this different type of information impact is by making new technology for store and manage better the information.